Tag: android malware

Como Limpar o Cache no Android

Limpar o cache no Android pode trazer inúmeras vantagens, como melhorar a performance, velocidade e até mesmo segurança do aparelho. Aprenda como fazer isso e muito mais, neste artigo. Tabela de Conteúdo O que é cache no celular? Como excluir os dados da memória cache no Android Como limpar o cache de um aplicativo específico…
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January 15, 2024 0

How to remove malware from Android and iPhone

Has your phone recently started acting weird? Are your apps crashing and phone overheating, and you constantly see pop-up ads? Malicious apps may be overtaking your phone. Find out how to get rid of malware on Android. Contents Is malware the same as a virus? How much damage can malware do to your phone? How…
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September 26, 2023 0

How do I stop pop-up ads on my Android phone?

Pop-up ads on Android can be annoying at best and dangerous at worst. Hackers can use online ads to spread malware, so it’s important to be able to block pop-ups. In this article, we’ll show you how to block pop-ups on Android, using Chrome and Firefox. How to stop pop-up ads on Android Shutting down…
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June 26, 2023 0