Tag: scams

DocuSign phishing emails: How to spot these scams

DocuSign scams are on the rise, but with some cybersecurity savvy, you can protect yourself from these phishing emails. Follow a few simple steps to enjoy the convenience of electronic signatures without compromising your personal information. What is DocuSign phishing? DocuSign phishing is a type of scam where fraudulent emails imitate official communications from DocuSign,…
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July 25, 2024 0

The most common types of cybersecurity threats in 2024

Massive, high-profile cyberattacks have plagued 2024, highlighting the increasing prevalence of common types of cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals are increasingly using more sophisticated methods to bypass traditional security measures. From phishing emails that can steal your password to changes in the lines of code that can cause the entire security infrastructure to crumble — here are…
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July 24, 2024 0

How to spot and report a Bank of America phishing email

If you encounter a Bank of America phishing email, it is critical to take immediate action to secure your account and data. Keep alert to recognize warning signs of phishing emails, identify common Bank of America phishing scams, and utilize the best methods to report Bank of America phishing emails. What is a Bank of…
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July 22, 2024 0

Do banks refund scammed money? Means of recovery and tips for scam prevention

Losing money to scammers is a painful experience. But sometimes, not all is lost. While no bank or federal service can remove the frustration or disappointment of getting duped, they can sometimes lift your spirits by getting some (or in rare cases, all) of your money back. How is this possible, and what are your…
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July 8, 2024 0

Що таке фішинг і як не потрапити на гачок

«Термін дії вашого пароля закінчився. Натисніть тут, щоб негайно його змінити». Будьмо чесними: отримавши таке повідомлення, більшість людей перейшли б за цим посиланням, не замислюючись. Адже ми регулярно отримуємо подібні електронні листи та майже автоматично натискаємо на надані посилання. Ось чому фішинг-атаки настільки ефективні та небезпечні. Що таке фішинг Фішинг – це тип шахрайства в…
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July 7, 2024 0

How to identify AOL phishing emails and avoid getting scammed

The internet has many great advantages, but unfortunately, it’s also full of scammers. One of the most typical online scams is the AOL phishing email. This type of scam is almost as old as the internet itself, yet it costs users nearly $3 billion a year in the United States alone. Let’s look at how…
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June 30, 2024 0

Swish-bedrägeri: Vad är det och hur skyddar du dig?

Swish har tagit Sverige med storm och möjligheten att göra smidiga banköverföringar via mobilen har lett till att över 8 miljoner svenskar använder betaltjänsten idag. Men dessvärre, när användare och pengar samlas på ett och samma ställe dröjer det i vanlig ordning inte länge innan bedragarna dyker upp. Bedrägerier och bluffar via Swish blir allt…
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June 25, 2024 0

20 Facebook scams you should be aware of

It’s been 20 years since Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates launched Facebook. With its gigantic success throughout the years, the platform has attracted billions of users, allowing them to express themselves, share news, celebrate achievements, and forge meaningful connections. However, at the same time, Facebook has also become a perfect place for scammers to exploit…
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June 17, 2024 0

É seguro usar o BlaBlaCar? Tudo o que você precisa saber

Aplicativos de corridas compartilhadas e serviços de carona estão cada vez mais populares, principalmente nas grandes cidades. São alternativas simples e bastante acessíveis, mas muitas pessoas têm dúvidas em relação à segurança que esses apps oferecem. Aqui, vamos falar sobre o BlaBlaCar, analisar o nível de segurança da plataforma e compartilhar quais cuidados você precisa…
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June 17, 2024 0

How to spot, avoid, and report Wells Fargo phishing emails

Wells Fargo is one of the largest banks in the world. In the United States alone, it serves one in three households, making Wells Fargo a common target for phishing attacks. If you’re a Wells Fargo customer, you might have already encountered suspicious emails or messages pretending to be from the bank. This article will…
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June 17, 2024 0