Tag: nordvpn survey

NordVPN survey shows: Over half of the UK uses biometric authentication daily

If you unlock your phone by holding it up to your face or pressing your thumb to a fingerprint scanner at the bottom of the screen – you’re using biometric authentication. This high-tech recognition method is quick and easy, but do people in the UK trust and use it? Let’s take a look at the…
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February 25, 2024 0

NordVPN survey reveals: Users still trust free VPNs

Every year, NordVPN conducts a global survey on VPN usage. The findings have shown that while awareness of VPNs is increasing, some users are still willing to trade their personal details for a free VPN service. Let’s dig into the study’s results to understand more about patterns in VPN usage. About the survey NordVPN conducts…
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February 23, 2024 0

NordVPN-onderzoek: 900.000 Nederlanders online opgelicht tijdens Black Friday

Uit onderzoek van NordVPN is gebleken dat ongeveer 900.000 Nederlanders in het verleden slachtoffer zijn geworden van online scams tijdens Black Friday of Cyber Monday. Dit schrikt ons echter niet af – bijna 6 miljoen Nederlanders (30%) zijn van plan om dit jaar tijdens het grootste winkelevenement een goede deal te scoren. Sommigen van hen…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN-Umfrage zeigt: Über 4 Millionen Deutsche wurden am Black Friday betrogen

NordVPN hat eine Umfrage in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und anderen Ländern durchgeführt, die Betrugsversuche beim Online-Shopping aufzeigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Cyberkriminelle auch während des Black Friday und Cyber Monday Online-Käufer ins Visier nehmen. Es scheint jedoch, dass Online-Betrügereien die Deutschen nicht zu sehr stören. 36% der Menschen hierzulande wollen auf jeden Fall am…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: More than two million Canadians scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in Canada. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted almost 18 million Canadians during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Canadians. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Almost three million Australians scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in Australia. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted almost 3 million Aussies during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Aussies. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Almost five million Brits scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in the UK. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted five million Brits during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Brits. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

NordVPN survey shows: Nearly 34 million Americans scammed on Black Friday

NordVPN initiated a survey that revealed some online shopping scam tendencies in the US. Based on the research results, cybercriminals have targeted 34 million Americans during Black Friday or Cyber Monday. However, it seems like{‘ ‘} online scams do not intimidate Americans. Half of them plan to participate in this year’s biggest sales. Some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

Welches sind die gefährlichsten Orte für dein Gerät?

Das Internet ist voller Bedrohungen, aber die reale Welt ist es auch. Eine neue Studie von NordVPN hat die riskantesten Orte aufgedeckt, an denen man ein Smartphone oder einen Laptop benutzen kann. Von bestimmten Verkehrsmitteln bis hin zu ganzen Ländern – hier erfährst du mehr. Was ist ein gefährlicher Ort für ein Gerät? Der größte…
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October 31, 2023 0

¿Cuáles son los sitios más peligrosos para tu dispositivo?

Internet está lleno de amenazas, exactamente igual que ocurre en nuestra realidad cotidiana. Una nueva investigación de NordVPN ha revelado los lugares más peligrosos para utilizar un dispositivo como un smartphone o un portátil. Vamos a desglosar los resultados para que puedas identificar los sitios con acceso a internet que están comprometiendo tu seguridad en…
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October 31, 2023 0