Tag: MAC address

What is a MAC spoofing attack? Learn how it works and how to detect and prevent it

If you’ve suffered a MAC spoofing attack, it means a hacker changed their computer’s MAC address to mimic your computer’s MAC address and use it for illegal purposes. Learn how MAC spoofing attacks work, how you can detect them before it’s too late, and how to prevent them. What is MAC spoofing? To understand MAC…
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July 3, 2024 0

Chiave di sicurezza di rete: cos’è e come trovarla

Una chiave di sicurezza di rete, conosciuta più comunemente come password Wi-Fi, è un’informazione di accesso fondamentale per garantire la sicurezza della connessione Internet della rete wireless. Questa chiave viene creata al momento della prima configurazione del router Wi-Fi e sarà necessaria ogni volta che si vorrà connettere un nuovo dispositivo alla rete. In questo…
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June 20, 2024 0

Was ist eine MAC-Adresse und wie findet man sie?

Eine MAC-Adresse kann verwendet werden, um deinen Standort zu verfolgen und zu protokollieren, deine Verbindung zu unterbrechen und kann dafür genutzt werden, sich als du im Netzwerk auszugeben. Aber was ist eine MAC-Adresse, wo findest du sie und was kannst du tun, um sie zu schützen? Hier erfährst du alles, was du über deine MAC-Adresse…
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June 18, 2024 0

Indirizzo MAC: cos’è, a cosa serve e come si trova

L’indirizzo MAC (Media Access Control) è una sequenza composta da 12 cifre, divise in coppie, che funge da codice identificativo univoco per ogni scheda di rete, sia essa ethernet o wireless. Questo codice non ha la sola funzione di distinguere ogni dispositivo all’interno di una rete locale, ma è anche cruciale per la gestione del…
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November 20, 2023 0

What is the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?

The Address Resolution Protocol is a fundamental part of any network, enabling communication between its devices. Naturally, it’s also a potent target for attackers who want to disrupt your network’s operations. But how does the Address Resolution Protocol work, and how can hackers compromise it? Let’s discuss the ARP process, types, attacks, and their prevention,…
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September 12, 2023 0

Tracking and tracing with MAC addresses

Every network interface controller has a media access control address (or MAC address) — a unique identifier consisting of 6 pairs of 2 hexadecimal digits. Because you need a network interface controller to connect, MAC addresses let others track you from network to network. Don’t be alarmed — here’s everything you need to know about…
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June 22, 2023 0