Tag: AI

Generative AI: What is it, and how does it work?

Generative AI allows machine learning algorithms to translate simple descriptions into text, images, and other output. Learn everything you need to know if you’re new to the world of this technology. What is generative AI? Although the topic of generative AI has bloomed recently, the technology itself is not new. The idea of computers mimicking…
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March 14, 2024 0

Deep Learning: Benefícios, Desafios e Futuro

Os avanços tecnológicos acontecem em uma velocidade sem precedentes. Em um mundo interconectado e digitalizado, saber mais sobre conceitos como deep learning é fundamental para garantir o preparo não só para o futuro, mas para o presente que já é uma realidade. O que é deep learning? A aprendizagem de máquina é um elemento fundamental…
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February 19, 2024 0

Bot: allt du behöver veta om detta datorprogram

Bottar står för en stor del av trafiken och aktiviteten på internet. De kan utföra olika automatiserade uppgifter utan mänskligt ingripande, såsom kundtjänst eller indexering av webbplatser. Det finns dock även bottar som är skadliga och som har som syfte att infektera din enhet med skadlig programvara. Innehåll Vad är en bot? Hur fungerar bottar?…
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January 10, 2024 0

Étude NordVPN : 1 Français sur 3 a une perception négative de l’IA

NordVPN s’est penché sur la perception de l’intelligence artificielle par les utilisateurs français. Si une grande majorité de répondants sait ce qu’est l’IA, seul un quart des Français en possède une vision positive. Par ailleurs, certains secteurs d’applications sont jugés prometteurs, tandis que d’autres inquiètent. Retrouvez toutes les conclusions de notre étude dans cet article.…
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December 20, 2023 0

What are AI hallucinations and how can they be prevented?

As the initial hype around ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) settled down, users realized that these tools, while powerful, are not infallible and at times generate false information, which we call an AI hallucination. We are here to explain this problematic phenomenon, covering its causes and the issues it can lead to. By…
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December 14, 2023 0

Le test de Turing : son histoire et son utilisation

Le test de Turing vise à déterminer si une intelligence artificielle est capable de raisonner à la manière d’un être humain. Ce test, qui met en scène deux humains et un ordinateur, est à la base des recherches sur l’IA et trouve encore son application aujourd’hui. Comment fonctionne le test de Turing ? Est-il suffisant…
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December 4, 2023 0

Previsioni sulle principali minacce alla cybersecurity nel 2024 – secondo gli hacker

Il 2024 si avvicina… quali sono i rischi per la sicurezza digitale che dovrebbero preoccuparci di più? NordVPN ha setacciato il dark web per scoprire quali sono i piani degli hacker per l’anno prossimo. Diamo uno sguardo alle principali minacce, secondo le previsioni, per il 2024. Contenuti I dati dai forum del dark web Che…
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December 4, 2023 0

Best AI search engines

An AI search engine can effectively improve traditional search engines by using AI and machine learning. This technology reached the mainstream with the introduction of ChatGPT, but many similar AI-powered search engines entered the market afterward. However, what are they exactly, and how do they work? Below, we answer these questions and list some of…
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November 20, 2023 0

What is Midjourney, and is it safe?

Since the recent surge in AI usage, Midjourney has taken the world by storm. Over 15 million people have used this AI image generator to create anything from captivating ads to personalized greeting cards. But is Midjourney safe to use? What security measures does it have in place? Find out everything you need to know…
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November 18, 2023 0

O que é um deepfake?

Os deepfakes são vídeos que foram manipulados usando inteligência artificial (IA), sendo uma crescente preocupação para governos, agências de autoridade e cidadãos particulares. Estes conteúdos de média sintetizados podem ser muito convincentes e poderão um dia minar a nossa capacidade de confiar nos nossos próprios olhos. Mas o que é a tecnologia deepfake? E porque…
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November 15, 2023 0