Tag: WannaCry

Attacco ransomware: cos’è e come funziona?

Tramite un attacco ransomware, i criminali informatici riescono a bloccare l’accesso ai tuoi dati, chiedendo un pagamento in denaro come riscatto per consentirti di riottenerne il controllo. Purtroppo, si tratta di una situazione non così infrequente. Vediamo, quindi, che cos’è un ransomware, come funziona e quali sono le tipologie più diffuse. Che cos’è il ransomware?…
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September 24, 2024 0

Everything you need to know about SMB vulnerability

The topic of SMB vulnerabilities is an increasingly popular one, especially since so many companies now operate partially or fully online. Although this cyber threat is years old, it’s still not fully mitigated. Learn all about the most common SMB exploits and how to protect against them. Contents What is the SMB protocol? Most common…
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November 11, 2023 0

What is crypto malware? Definition, detection, and prevention

Crypto malware is malicious software that uses your computer to mine cryptocurrency without your knowledge. If your computer has become slow and unresponsive, you may need to scan it for crypto mining malware. Here’s what you should know about crypto malware attacks and ways you can prevent them from harming your devices. Contents What is…
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September 27, 2023 0