Tag: remove malware

Logiciel espion : définition et exemples

Votre téléphone peut subir des dommages sans que vous le sachiez, car les cybercriminels développent des outils de plus en plus discrets. Les logiciels espions constituent l’un des plus nuisibles de ces dispositifs. Apprenez à les reconnaître et à vous en protéger. Qu’est-ce qu’un logiciel espion ? Un logiciel espion, ou spyware, est un type…
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October 14, 2024 0

Så blir du av med virus i mobilen

Även om experter är överens om att det generellt sett är väldigt ovanligt att en Android-mobil eller iPhone drabbas av virus så finns alltid risken att våra enheter smittas av annan skadlig kod. Om du faktiskt råkat ut för ett virus, eller mer troligt andra typer av malware, finns det ett par viktiga åtgärder du…
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March 21, 2024 0

Viruses on Chromebook: How to check for and get rid of them

If you’re a Chromebook user, you’ll be glad to know that your device has one of the most secure operating systems on the market. However, no device is immune to all viruses and malware, especially the ones that spread via phishing. Improve your online security by checking your Chromebook for viruses and removing them as…
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February 11, 2024 0

How to remove malware from your iPhone and other iOS devices

You can remove malware from your iPhone and iPad by clearing its browsing data, updating its software, removing unknown apps, and taking other steps we share with you here. If your device’s battery is running out sooner than expected or you are suddenly flooded with annoying ads, it could mean your device has been infected…
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October 14, 2023 0